Running is a great way to exercise. It's also a great way to relieve stress. Many people run not because they are trying to slim down or fit into their high school clothes, but because they simply enjoy it. It's a great way to get away from everything. It produces endorphins, it lets your imagination run wild, and it vastly improves your focus. Not to mention the massive boosts in self confidence and self esteem. But if you're not careful, running can take a toll on your body. It does put your knees, lower back, and ankles through a lot of pounding.
If you aren't careful, you an end up with some lasting soreness, and even some potential injuries. And if you're an avid runner, nothing is worse than being forced on the sidelines. In this article, you'll learn how take steps so that you can avoid injuries at all costs. The most important thing is to stretch. If you've got an hour to spare, spend thirty minutes of it stretching, and thirty minutes of it running. Depending on what you were doing before you start running, you might need to spend five or ten minutes warming up. Do a few squats, jump up and down slightly or do some light yoga. Once you've warmed up, stretch all the major muscles in your legs and lower back. Stretching after you run is just as important.
You'll need to cool down a bit before you stretch as well. An easy way to do this is to stop running about half a mile from your house, and then walk the rest of the way. When you get home, spend about ten or fifteen minutes stretching before you go inside. It's also important to take rests from time to time. Sure, there are plenty of people who have insane records of running every single day for the last seventy five years. That's great, but for every one of those, there's probably ten people who were trying for that, but were forced to take a couple weeks off due to an injury. They don't usually brag about that. Unless you are in some competition for the Guinness Book of World Records, take a day off every once in a while.
Sure, you can still exercise, but do something light like ride an exercise bike or do some strength training. You've also got to pay close attention to your body. There's a difference between pain that you can ignore, like a tight muscle you know will loosen up. But there's also pain you can't ignore, like a pulled tendon. This kind of pain needs to be dealt with. Remember the golden rule. Rest and ice are your best friends for China Net with Paper Suppliers this kind of pain. If you catch it early, you can get rid of it in a couple days. If you ignore it and it gets worse, you could be sidelined for a while. Be careful that this doesn't happen.
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